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agent.cfg - FusionInventory agent configuration file




On Unix, fusioninventory-agent executables read their configuration from /etc/fusioninventory/agent.cfg.

Generic directives

  • server

    Specifies the server to use both as a controller for the agent, and as a recipient for task execution output.

    If the given value start with http:// or https://, it is assumed to be an URL, and used directly. Otherwise, it is assumed to be an hostname, and interpreted as http://hostname/ocsinventory.

    Multiple values can be specified, using a comma as a separator.

  • delaytime

    Specifies the upper limit, in seconds, for the initial delay before contacting the control server. The default is 3600.

    The actual delay is computed randomly between TIME / 2 and TIME seconds.

    This directive is used for initial contact only, and ignored thereafter in favor of server-provided value (PROLOG_FREQ).

  • lazy

    Do not contact the control server before next scheduled time.

    This directive is used when the agent is run in the foreground (not as a daemon) only.

  • no-task

    Disables given task.

    Multiple values can be specified, using a comma as a separator.

  • proxy

    Specifies the URL of the HTTP proxy to use. By default, the agent uses HTTP_PROXY environment variable.

  • user

    Specifies the user to use for HTTP authentication on the server.

  • password

    Specifies the password to use for HTTP authentication on the server.

  • ca-cert-dir

    Specifies the directory containing indexed Certification Authority (CA) certificates.

  • ca-cert-file

    Specifies the file containing aggregated Certification Authority (CA) certificates.

  • no-ssl-check

    Disables server SSL certificate validation. The default is 0 (false).

  • timeout

    Specifies a timeout, in seconds, for server connections.

  • no-httpd

    Disables the embedded web interface, used to receive execution requests from the server. The default is 0 (false).

  • httpd-ip

    Specifies the network interface to use for the embedded web interface. The default is to use all available ones.

    Specifies the network port to use for the embedded web interface. The default is 62354.

  • httpd-trust

    Specifies which IP address should be trusted, for execution requests. The default is to only accept requests from the control servers.

    All formats supported by Net::IP can be used (IP addresses, IP addresses ranges, networks in CIDR notatation), as well as hostnames.

    Multiple values can be specified, using a comma as a separator.

  • logger

    Specifies the logger backend to use. The possible values are:

    • file: log messages in a file.
    • stderr: log messages directly in the console.
    • syslog: log messages through the local syslog server.

    Multiple values can be specified, using a comma as a separator.

  • logfile

    Specifies the file to use for the file logger backend.

  • logfile-maxsize

    Specifies the maximum size for the log file, in MB. When the max size is reached, the file is truncated. The default is unlimited.

  • logfacility

    Specifies the syslog facility to use for the syslog logger backend. The default is LOG_USER.

  • color

    Enables color display for the stderr logger backend.

    This directive is used on Unix only.

  • debug

    Specifies the level of verbosity for log content. The possible values are:

    • 0: basic agent processing
    • 1: extended agent processing
    • 2: messages exchanged with the server
    • 3: additional traces for some external libraries as Net::SSLeay

Task-specific directives

  • tag

    Specifies an arbitrary string to add to output. This can be used as an additional decision criteria on server side.

    This directive is only for inventory or esx task only.

  • no-category

    Disables given category in output. The possible values are:

    • printer
    • software
    • environment
    • process
    • user

    Multiple values can be specified, using a comma as a separator.

    This directive is used for inventory task only.

  • additional-content

    Specifies an XML file whose content will be automatically merged with output.

    This directive is used for inventory task only.

  • scan-homedirs

    Enables scanning user home directories for virtual machines. The default is 0 (false).

    This directive is used for inventory task only.

  • force

    Execute the task, even if not required by the server.

    This directive is used for inventory task only.

  • collect-timeout

    Specifies the timeout for task modules execution.

    This directive is used for inventory task only.

  • no-p2p

    Disables peer to peer for downloading files.

    This directive is used for deploy task only.